charity auction to support children’s orphanages. Spotty quickly became a symbol of care, kindness, and unity within the Telegram community – an unusual occurrence in the crypto world, where most are chasing the next memecoin with the hope of overnight wealth. But Spotty managed to stand out. The popularity of Telegram mini-apps surged following the launch of another native Telegram project, $NOTCOIN. Users who joined $NOTCOIN could cash out with bonuses, effectively earning free "internet money" with minimal effort. The initial distribution of $DOGS followed a similar approach, rewarding users based on their Telegram account's age and activity. Essentially, by doing nothing more than being active on Telegram, users found themselves with $DOGS tokens in hand. The community grew rapidly, fueled by additional events that encouraged participation, such as completing tasks in the mini-app and inviting friends to earn more tokens. Following the project’s launch in early July, the community's growth was nothing short of exponential. By the time of the Token Generation Event (TGE), an incredible 51 million accounts had been registered within the $DOGS Telegram mini-app. This unprecedented level of interest led various exchanges to introduce pre-market trading for $DOGS, allowing users to speculate on its price long before it officially hit the market. However, with popularity comes risk. Alongside the legitimate pre-market activities conducted by well-established exchanges and protocols, several fraudulent $DOGS knockoffs were launched across different chains. Their sole purpose? To deceive unsuspecting crypto holders and siphon funds into their own wallets. Indeed, fame often comes at a cost. The memecoin phenomenon is driving the cryptocurrency market forward by attracting new users – this is undeniable. But the question remains: will these users stay long enough to explore DeFi protocols and their unique financial opportunities? Will they evolve into successful traders or stakers? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain – we are living in fascinating times. WAGMI! 来源:金色财经lg...