duction: Kava is a secure, lightning-fast Layer-1 blockchain that combines the developer power of Ethereum with the speed and interoperability of Cosmos in a single, scalable network. Committed to fostering innovation and growth, Kava is a trusted choice for developers and users worldwide.Welcome to the WhalerDAO‘s Cross-Chain Public Workshop on Sunday. We are honored to have invited Karmel Elshinnawi ,the Product Lead of Kava, to give a special sharing.Karmel will discuss the following topics: 1. Kava Overview COSMOS and EVM 2. What are the latest updates/releases/launches we've done 3. How can users interact with our chain 4. What does the future look like 5. Surge Campaign highlights.Looking forward to your interaction! Live Broadcast ü Youtube:https://youtube.com/live/fXXRDEk8Uow?feature=share ü Bilibili:http://live.bilibili.com/27945281 ü zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87478962522?pwd=SFZxMWMxbjVNaWJNYWU1UWhzcHNNUT09 Number: 874 7896 2522 Code:0000 Poster: 报名链接:https://docs.qq.com/form/page/DWXRab0dBS3RFTUhJ#/fill 课程封面: #015 基于零知识证明的跨链演进 时间:7.29 16:00(UTC+8) #016 MAP Protocol:Towards the Omnichain Future 时间:7.30 10:00(UTC+8) 来源:金色财经lg...