l.com/,或关注华钦科技的官方账号Facebook,Instagram,LinkedIn,Twitter和YouTube。 前瞻性声明 本新闻稿中的某些陈述属于经修订的1933年证券法第27A条和经修订的1934年证券交易法第21E条的含义和保护范围内的"前瞻性声明"。前瞻性声明包括有关集团信念、计划、目标、预期、假设、估计、意图和未来业绩的陈述,并涉及已知和未知的风险,不确定性和其他因素。这可能超出了集团的控制权,可能导致公司的实际业绩、表现、资本、所有权或成就与此类前瞻性声明中明示或暗示的未来业绩,表现或成就产生重大差异。所有此类前瞻性陈述均适用于此项警示性通知,包括但不限于集团未来增长、表现、成果的预期,集团利用各类商业、并购、技术等相关机会和举措的能力,以及集团近期在美国证券交易委员会的报告和备案中描述的风险和不确定性。此类报告可应要求由集团提供,或通过美国证券交易委员会网站 http://www.sec.gov 查询。集团没有义务也不承诺在此日期之后或在其他任何此类陈述的相应日期之后更新,修改或更正任何前瞻性声明。 Non-GAAP财务指标的使用 除了未显示的合并股东权益变动表、合并现金流量表和附注之外,简明合并财务信息按照美国公认会计原则("U.S. GAAP")编制。集团采用的Non-GAAP营业利润、Non-GAAP营业利润率、归属于华钦科技股东的Non-GAAP净利润以及基本和稀释的Non-GAAP每股净收益,均为Non-GAAP(非公认会计原则)财务指标。Non-GAAP营业利润是指不包括股份补偿费用的营业利润。Non-GAAP营业利润率是指非公认会计原则营业利润占收入的百分比。归属于华钦科技股东的Non-GAAP净利润是归属于华钦科技股东的不包括股份补偿费用的净利润。基本和稀释的Non-GAAP每股净收益是指归属于普通股股东的Non-GAAP净利润除以计算基本和稀释每股净收益时使用的加权平均股份数。集团认为,单独分析和排除股份补偿费用对非现金的影响,明确了其业绩构成部分。集团评价这些Non-GAAP的财务指标和GAAP的财务指标,以便更好地了解其经营业绩。集团使用Non-GAAP的财务指标来规划、预测和衡量预测结果。集团认为,Non-GAAP财务指标是投资者和分析师评估其经营业绩的有用补充信息,而无需考虑这些在公司经营中始终存在的重大经常性的非现金股份补偿费用的影响。然而,作为一种分析工具,使用Non-GAAP财务指标有着实质性的局限性。使用Non-GAAP财务指标的一个局限性是,这些指标不包括影响本期集团净利润的所有项目。此外,并非所有公司都以相同的方式计量Non-GAAP财务指标,因此它们可能无法与其他公司使用的其他类似名称的指标进行比较。鉴于上述限制,您不应将Non-GAAP财务指标与GAAP财务指标分离开看,也不能作为其替代指标。 这些Non-GAAP财务指标的列报不应被视为与根据GAAP编制和列报的财务信息相分离或作为其替代。集团鼓励投资者仔细考虑其在GAAP下的业绩,补充的Non-GAAP信息以及这些列报之间的调整,以更全面地了解其业务。有关这些Non-GAAP财务指标的更多信息,请参见以下"Reconciliations of Non-GAAP and GAAP Results"。 详情请联系: 华钦科技集团公司 Rhon Galicha 投资者关系办公室 电话:+86-182-2192-5378 邮箱:ir@clpsglobal.com [1] "Non-GAAP营业利润"是一种Non-GAAP财务指标,其定义为不包括非现金股份报酬的营业利润,详细信息请参阅"Reconciliation of Non-GAAP and GAAP Results"。 [2] "EBITDA"为税息折旧及摊销前利润。 [3] "Non-GAAP EBITDA"是一种Non-GAAP财务指标,其定义为不包括非现金股份报酬的EBITDA。 [4] "Non-GAAP净利润"是一种Non-GAAP财务指标,其定义为不包括非现金股份报酬的净利润,详细信息请参阅"Reconciliation of Non-GAAP and GAAP Results"。 [5] "归属于华钦科技股东的Non-GAAP净利润"是一种Non-GAAP的财务指标,其定义为归属于公司股东不包括非现金股份报酬的净利润,详细信息请参阅"Reconciliation of Non-GAAP and GAAP Results"。 CLPS INCORPORATION CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Amounts in U.S. dollars ("$"), except for number of shares) As of June 30, As of December 31, 2022 (Audited) 2021 (Unaudited) ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 18,396,987 $ 21,741,601 Short-term investments - 6,512,256 Accounts receivable, net 53,769,887 43,819,782 Prepayments, deposits and other assets, net 4,215,414 3,318,639 Prepaid income tax - 181,886 Amounts due from related parties 377,642 430,614 Total Current Assets 76,759,930 76,004,778 Non-Current assets: Property and equipment, net 20,601,098 20,886,477 Intangible assets, net 970,044 1,106,806 Goodwill 2,363,841 2,441,368 Long-term investments 610,386 835,041 Prepayments, deposits and other assets, net 248,456 407,821 Deferred tax assets, net 327,040 408,445 Total Assets $ 101,880,795 $ 102,090,736 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities: Bank loans $ 14,474,363 $ 13,294,897 Accounts payable 343,597 515,918 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 352,402 424,356 Tax payables 2,355,066 2,238,739 Contract liabilities 587,140 1,161,507 Salaries and benefits payable 12,203,933 14,839,684 Amounts due to related party 66,884 61,845 Total Current Liabilities 30,383,385 32,536,946 Non-Current liabilities: Bank loans - - Deferred tax liabilities 150,547 144,253 Other non-current liabilities 3,546,263 2,101,145 TOTAL LIABILITIES 34,080,195 34,782,344 Commitments and Contingencies Shareholders' Equity Common stock, $0.0001 par value, 100,000,000 shares authorized; 22,444,822 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2022; 20,293,552 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2021 2,244 2,021 Additional paid-in capital 55,705,209 50,988,671 Statutory reserves 5,071,876 4,826,600 Retained earnings 6,323,792 8,376,104 Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income (550,248) 1,715,151 Total CLPS Incorporation Shareholders' Equity 66,552,873 65,908,547 Noncontrolling Interests 1,247,727 1,399,845 Total Shareholders' Equity 67,800,600 67,308,392 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity $ 101,880,795 $ 102,090,736 CLPS INCORPORATION UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED statements of INCOME AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (Amounts in U.S. dollars ("$"), except for number of shares) For the six months ended June 30, 2022 2021 Revenues $ 76,100,776 $ 67,743,485 Less: Cost of revenues (note 1) (57,423,736) (46,050,474) Gross profit 18,677,040 21,693,011 Operating income (expenses): Selling and marketing expenses (note 1) (1,818,662) (1,959,429) Research and development expenses (3,795,772) (7,176,725) General and administrative expenses (note 1) (13,877,275) (10,155,688) Subsidies and other operating income 658,311 1,041,167 Total operating expenses (18,833,398) (18,250,675) (Loss) Income from operations (156,358) 3,442,336 Other income 558,546 149,323 Other expenses (100,336) (301,821) Income before income tax and share of income in equity investees 301,852 3,289,838 Provision for income taxes 2,181,071 1,164,910 (Loss) income before share of (loss) income in equity investees (1,879,219) 2,124,928 Share of (loss) in equity investees, net of tax (3,215) (37,994) Net (loss) income (1,882,434) 2,086,934 Less: Net (loss) income attributable to noncontrolling interests (75,398) 130,478 Net (loss) income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders $ (1,807,036) $ 1,956,456 Other comprehensive (loss) income Foreign currency translation (loss) income $ (2,328,918) $ 468,792 Less: Foreign currency translation (loss) income attributable to noncontrolling interest (63,519) 8,853 Other comprehensive (loss) income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders $ (2,265,399) $ 459,939 Comprehensive (loss) income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders $ (4,072,435) $ 2,416,395 Comprehensive (loss) income attributable to noncontrolling interests (138,917) 139,331 Comprehensive (loss) income $ (4,211,352) $ 2,555,726 Basic (loss) earnings per common share $ (0.08) $ 0.11 Weighted average number of share outstanding – basic 21,484,828 18,514,807 Diluted earnings per common share $ (0.08) $ 0.10 Weighted average number of share outstanding – diluted 21,484,828 19,097,170 Note: (1) Includes share-based compensation expenses as follows: Cost of revenues 13,983 4,221 Selling and marketing expenses 55,834 42,556 General and administrative expenses 4,646,944 3,586,593 CLPS INCORPORATION RECONCILIATION OF NON-GAAP AND GAAP RESULTS (Amounts in U.S. dollars ("$"), except for number of shares) For the six months ended June 30, 2022 2021 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) Cost of revenues $ (57,423,736) $ (46,050,474) Less: share-based compensation expenses (13,983) (4,221) Non-GAAP cost of revenues $ (57,409,753) $ (46,046,253) Selling and marketing expenses $ (1,818,662) $ (1,959,429) Less: share-based compensation expenses (55,834) (42,556) Non-GAAP selling and marketing expenses $ (1,762,828) $ (1,916,873) General and administrative expenses $ (13,877,275) $ (10,155,688) Less: share-based compensation expenses (4,646,944) (3,586,593) Non-GAAP general and administrative expenses $ (9,230,331) $ (6,569,095) Operating income (loss) $ (156,358) $ 3,442,336 Add: share-based compensation expenses 4,716,761 3,633,370 Non-GAAP operating income $ 4,560,403 $ 7,075,706 Operating margin (0.2 %) 5.1 % Add: share-based compensation expenses 6.2 % 5.3 % Non-GAAP operating margin 6.0 % 10.4 % Net income (loss) $ (1,882,434) $ 2,086,934 Add: share-based compensation expenses 4,716,761 3,633,370 Non-GAAP net income $ 2,834,327 $ 5,720,304 Net (loss) income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders $ (1,807,036) $ 1,956,456 Add: share-based compensation expenses 4,716,761 3,633,370 Non-GAAP net income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders 2,909,725 5,589,826 $ $ Weighted average number of share outstanding used in computing GAAP and non-GAAP basic earnings 21,484,828 18,514,807 GAAP basic (loss) earnings per common share $ (0.08) $ 0.11 Add: share-based compensation expenses 0.22 0.19 Non-GAAP basic earnings per common share $ 0.14 $ 0.30 Weighted average number of share outstanding used in computing GAAP diluted earnings 21,484,828 19,097,170 Weighted average number of share outstanding used in computing non-GAAP diluted earnings 21,522,447 19,097,170 GAAP diluted (loss) earnings per common share $ (0.08) $ 0.10 Add: share-based compensation expenses 0.22 0.19 Non-GAAP diluted earnings per common share $ 0.14 $ 0.29 CLPS INCORPORATION audited CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Amounts in U.S. dollars ("$"), except for number of shares) As of June 30, 2022 2021 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 18,396,987 $ 24,739,382 Short-term investments - 4,158,535 Accounts receivable, net 53,769,887 44,138,997 Prepayments, deposits and other assets, net 4,215,414 2,530,458 Amounts due from related parties 377,642 546,128 Total Current Assets 76,759,930 76,113,500 Non-current assets: Property and equipment, net 20,601,098 600,791 Intangible assets, net 970,044 1,050,499 Goodwill 2,363,841 2,444,950 Long-term investments 610,386 1,014,784 Prepayments, deposits and other assets, net 248,456 896,145 Deferred tax assets, net 327,040 607,773 Total Assets $ 101,880,795 $ 82,728,442 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities Bank loans $ 14,474,363 $ 7,536,839 Accounts payable 343,597 559,450 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 352,402 245,408 Tax payables 2,355,066 1,715,009 Contract liabilities 587,140 326,912 Salaries and benefits payable 12,203,933 12,466,921 Amounts due to related party 66,884 183,148 Total Current Liabilities 30,383,385 23,033,687 Non-current liabilities Bank loans - 9,644 Deferred tax liabilities 150,547 155,033 Other non-current liabilities 3,546,263 1,799,383 TOTAL LIABILITIES 34,080,195 24,997,747 Commitments and Contingencies Shareholders' Equity Common stock, $0.0001 par value, 100,000,000 shares authorized; 22,444,822 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2022; 20,293,552 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2021 2,244 2,029 Additional paid-in capital 55,705,209 48,516,695 Statutory reserves 5,071,876 4,214,075 Retained earnings 6,323,792 2,726,165 Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income (550,248) 1,230,083 Total CLPS Incorporation's Shareholders' Equity 66,552,873 56,689,047 Noncontrolling Interests 1,247,727 1,041,648 Total Shareholders' Equity 67,800,600 57,730,695 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity $ 101,880,795 $ 82,728,442 CLPS INCORPORATION AUDITED CONSOLIDATED statements of INCOME AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (Amounts in U.S. dollars ("$"), except for number of shares) For the years ended June 30, 2022 2021 Revenues $ 152,022,381 $ 126,061,693 Less: Cost of revenues (note 1) (111,033,345) (85,890,757) Gross profit 40,989,036 40,170,936 Operating income (expenses): Selling and marketing expenses (note 1) (4,103,066) (3,753,236) Research and development expenses (7,971,145) (13,337,913) General and administrative expenses (note 1) (23,045,664) (16,784,688) Subsidies and other operating income 1,536,394 2,080,087 Total operating expenses (33,583,481) (31,795,750) Income from operations 7,405,555 8,375,186 Other income 854,250 296,319 Other expenses (575,605) (351,045) Income before income tax and share of income in equity investees 7,684,200 8,320,460 Provision for income taxes 3,045,992 1,257,124 Income before share of income in equity investees 4,638,208 7,063,336 Share of (loss) in equity investees, net of tax (50,297) (44,121) Net income 4,587,911 7,019,215 Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests 132,483 202,643 Net income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders $ 4,455,428 $ 6,816,572 Other comprehensive income (loss) Foreign currency translation (loss) income $ (1,828,542) $ 2,695,223 Less: Foreign currency translation (loss) income attributable to noncontrolling interests (48,211) 102,475 Other comprehensive (loss) income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders $ (1,780,331) $ 2,592,748 Comprehensive income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders $ 2,675,097 $ 9,409,320 Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests 84,272 305,118 Comprehensive income $ 2,759,369 $ 9,714,438 Basic earnings per common share $ 0.21 $ 0.39 Weighted average number of share outstanding – basic 20,924,683 17,279,443 Diluted earnings per common share $ 0.21 $ 0.39 Weighted average number of share outstanding – diluted 21,057,063 17,569,440 Note: (1) Includes share-based compensation expenses as follows: Cost of revenues 36,906 8,403 Selling and marketing expenses 165,209 122,087 General and administrative expenses 6,982,747 4,998,206 CLPS INCORPORATION RECONCILIATION OF NON-GAAP AND GAAP RESULTS (Amounts in U.S. dollars ("$"), except for number of shares) For the years ended June 30, 2022 2021 (Audited) (Audited) Cost of revenues $ (111,033,345) $ (85,890,757) Less: share-based compensation expenses (36,906) (8,403) Non-GAAP cost of revenues $ (110,996,439) $ (85,882,354) Selling and marketing expenses $ (4,103,066) $ (3,753,236) Less: share-based compensation expenses (165,209) (122,087) Non-GAAP selling and marketing expenses $ (3,937,857) $ (3,631,149) General and administrative expenses $ (23,045,664) $ (16,784,688) Less: share-based compensation expenses (6,982,747) (4,998,206) Non-GAAP general and administrative expenses $ (16,062,917) $ (11,786,482) Operating income $ 7,405,555 $ 8,375,186 Add: share-based compensation expenses 7,184,862 5,128,696 Non-GAAP operating income $ 14,590,417 $ 13,503,882 Operating margin 4.9 % 6.6 % Add: share-based compensation expenses 4.7 % 4.1 % Non-GAAP operating margin 9.6 % 10.7 % Net income $ 4,587,911 $ 7,019,215 Add: share-based compensation expenses 7,184,862 5,128,696 Non-GAAP net income $ 11,772,773 $ 12,147,911 Net income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders $ 4,455,428 $ 6,816,572 Add: share-based compensation expenses 7,184,862 5,128,696 Non-GAAP net income attributable to CLPS Incorporation's shareholders $ 11,640,290 $ 11,945,268 Weighted average number of share outstanding used in computing GAAP and non-GAAP basic earnings 20,924,683 17,279,443 GAAP basic earnings per common share $ 0.21 $ 0.39 Add: share-based compensation expenses 0.35 0.30 Non-GAAP basic earnings per common share $ 0.56 $ 0.69 Weighted average number of share outstanding used in computing GAAP and non-GAAP diluted earnings 21,057,063 17,569,440 GAAP diluted earnings per common share $ 0.21 $ 0.39 Add: share-based compensation expenses 0.34 0.29 Non-GAAP diluted earnings per common share $ 0.55 $ 0.68 lg...