n the world-famous Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided to rebrand his company to ‘Meta’. Perhaps this was a move to show the world their ambitions to explore the barely touched field and demonstrate the focus of the world in the near future. What is Metaverse and its Current Application? To best understand the term ‘metaverse’, a comparison can be made to when the internet first emerged during the 70s. A great innovation of interconnected social bonds and converged data streaming from the Internet, no one expected it to transform our lives completely. Now, metaverse is the next elevation of user interface and user experience. It is a virtual world integrated with fragments of reality where users can work, play, transact, be entertained, and socialise in a virtual community. Currently, multiple tech giants are providing various experiences, from gaming to live entertainment. This includes metaverse platforms such as Decentraland, Axie Infinity, Horizon, Sandbox and Roblox. In 2020, a shocking record of 12 million players attended the unprecedented concert performed by rapper Travis Scott inside Fortnite. By looking at this 8 minute video filled with vibrant colours and stunning barrage of graphics, it becomes clear that each avatar in the video is a real person somewhere around the world. It shows exactly what the metaverse will look like: connected congregations of embodied avatars, in mass-scale events that still manage to feel personal. Current metaverses each has its own independent access, avatars, interaction and currency. Most of them revolve around entertainment. With Xbox CEO Phil Spencer describing that the metaverse is just “a rubbish video game” or the co-founder of Oculus VR admitting “I don’t think it’s a good product”, the metaverses offered by these tech heavyweights were quickly dismissed. To make the situation worse, the equipment such as VR, AR, and computers to enter metaverse requires a certain level of income. VR devices (Oculus Quest 2) can cost up to £399 each. This results in only wealthy people having access to entering metaverse while low-income people have to be turned away, in conflict with the concept of a fair parallel world. Therefore, Maxity decides to establish the Symbiotic Metaverse. Symbiotic Metaverse — A Fair Parallel Virtual World Freshly introduced on 27th of June 2022 at a grand VIP event hosted at the House of Lords in London, the idea of Symbiotic Metaverse is to create a 7 continents virtual world that connects all of humanity while sharing purposes, real stakes, shared goals, connections, and decisions that matter to all living beings. Maxity’s Symbiotic Metaverse is easily accessible via smart phones, tablets or PCs, common devices to which many people have access. For the 9% population who do not own smart phones, Maxity offers an incentive for them to join the virtual world. The world’s first Volunteer and Reward (V&R) model, created by Maxity with reasonable ROI ratio to avoid capital shortages seen by many X2E model, is built purely to support, encourage, and reward users or volunteers to participate in charitable activities. Users start by accomplishing charitable tasks from charities they support whilst those who do not own smart devices to join the online tasks, fear not, these activities will be made available offline, and users can log their participation using a friend’s or family’s phone. Each completed task comes with MAXI Token rewards, which can be traded on exchanges, used as donations, or exchanged for equipment to enter Symbiotic Metaverse. A Social Verse for Greater Goods The pandemic has redefined what it is to be connected in the twenty-first century. Maxity’s Symbiotic Metaverse offers an opportunity to connect without physical interaction. There are now unlimited possibilities of how interconnected communication and information will be facilitated in the digital world. It offers ways of gathering that is impossible over Zoom, Skype, or any current social media platforms. People interacting in such ways can use hand gestures, visit places together or even collaborate with a surgeon in the virtual world, eliminating the impediment of distance and bringing real-world capabilities to users in a 3D immersive world. In lieu of building a common live entertainment platform, Symbiotic Metaverse aims to create a platform that helps both the charitable organisations and users. For organisations, the trust in them and the amount of donation is positively correlated. In the Symbiotic Metaverse, all participants can vote for events planned by the charity that they support — like whether to implement a certain project or expand their operations to a new area. By engaging users in charities’ planning processes, the Symbiotic Metaverse facilitates openness and accountability of charities ensuring public trust, and thus the Metaverse of remedy to all issues. The Symbiotic Metaverse empowers creativity by making users the ultimate beneficiaries for all knowledge, opinions, contents, regardless of their formats (pictures, articles, videos, etc.) shared on Symbiotic Metaverse. Through participating in charitable events, or communicating in the same activities, the Symbiotic Metaverse enables like-minded individuals to build social connections. In a nutshell, for its Metaverse, Maxity’s aim is not to create a parallel virtual world, but rather build a globally accessible virtual world to address all issues such as personal interest, environmental impact, and economic disparities all around the world. In the Symbiotic Metaverse, mankind, animals, and all living organisms live in solidarity with each other, eventually achieving cosmic harmony. Maxity App is now available on Google Play and App Store! http://maxity.io/m/invite/M-347 来源:金色财经lg...