enty bio首席医学官Steve Bernstein表示:"此次合作对于患者的真正价值,在于我们增强了快速测试、学习并推进我们创新细胞治疗项目的能力。药明巨诺对于中国患者未被满足的治疗需求、中国的注册事务流程、以及临床开发路径具有深入的洞察。借助此次合作机会,我们将彼此的独特优势经验相互结合,建立差异化的平台,从而实现我们的目标,即让创新治疗更快地惠及患者。" 根据协议条款,2seventy将授权药明巨诺在中国内地、香港及澳门地区开展MAGE-A4细胞治疗项目的权利,药明巨诺将负责其在中国的开发、生产及商业化,2seventy有权获得里程碑付款及基于产品收入的特许权使用费。此外,2seventy可将基于该合作项目而获得的早期临床数据用于在其他地区开发该产品。此次交易的完成尚待取得药明巨诺股东的批准,并满足其他惯例成交条件。 关于MAGE-A4项目 MAGE-A4是癌-睾丸抗原MAGE家族的一员,这类抗原在多种实体肿瘤中均有表达。我们构造了我们在与MediGene的合作中发现的一种高效的TCR,该TCR可识别HLA呈递的MAGE-A4多肽,并凭借我们CTBR12 TGF-beta"翻转"受体技术进一步增强这些T细胞的效力,将TGF-beta免疫抑制效应转化为T细胞的激活信号。再生元(Regeneron)和2seventy bio于2018年围绕此项目达成合作,目前双方正在合作开发。 关于药明巨诺 药明巨诺(港交所代码:2126)是一家独立的、创新型的生物科技公司,专注于开发、生产及商业化细胞免疫治疗产品,并致力于以创新为先导,成为细胞免疫治疗引领者。创建于2016年,药明巨诺已成功打造了国际领先的细胞免疫治疗的综合性产品开发平台,以及涵盖血液及实体肿瘤的细胞免疫治疗产品管线。药明巨诺致力于以突破性、高品质的细胞免疫治疗产品给中国乃至全球患者带来治愈的希望,并引领中国细胞免疫治疗产业的健康规范发展。欲了解更多详情,请访问:www.jwtherapeutics.com。 关于2seventy bio Our name, 2seventy bio, reflects why we do what we do - TIME. Cancer rips time away, and our goal is to work at the maximum speed of translating human thought into action – 270 miles per hour – to give the people we serve more time. We are building the leading immuno-oncology cell therapy company, focused on discovering and developing new therapies that truly disrupt the cancer treatment landscape. With a deep understanding of the human body's immune response to tumor cells and how to translate cell therapies into practice, we're applying this knowledge to deliver next generation cellular therapies that focus on a broad range of hematologic malignancies, including the first FDA-approved CAR T cell therapy for multiple myeloma, as well as solid tumors. Our research and development is focused on delivering therapies that are designed with the goal to "think" smarter and faster than the disease. Importantly, we remain focused on accomplishing these goals by staying genuine and authentic to our "why" and keeping our people and culture top of mind every day. For more information, visit www.2seventybio.com. Follow 2seventy bio on social media: Twitter and LinkedIn. 2seventy bio is a trademark of 2seventy bio, Inc. 药明巨诺前瞻性声明 本发布所包含的前瞻性声明是基于管理层现有的期望和信心,会存在一定的不确定性或风险从而导致实际结果在实质上与所描述的有所区别。显著的风险和不确定性,可能包括了以下涉及的内容,以及在公司提交给香港交易所(HKEX)的报告中予以更为全面的描述。除非另有注明,公司提供截至发布日期当日的信息,并且明确无义务更新相关事项及其所含内容或提供任何解释。具体内容,详见公司官网:www.jwtherapeutics.com/cn/forward-looking-statements/。 Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements of 2seventy bio This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, but are not limited to: statements about our plans, strategies, timelines and expectations with respect to the development, manufacture or sale of our product candidates, including the results and expected timing of ongoing and planned clinical trials for our product candidates in China and the speed with which we can bring those candidates into clinical trials; statements about the efficacy and perceived therapeutic benefits of our product candidates and the potential indications, market opportunities and demand therefor; statements about the strategic plans for 2seventy bio and potential corporate development opportunities; statements regarding the company's financial condition, and other future financial results; and statements about our ability to execute our strategic priorities. Any forward-looking statements in this press release are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and important factors that may cause actual events or results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements contained in this press release, including, without limitation; the risk that our plans with respect to the preclinical and clinical development and regulatory approval of our product candidates may not be successfully achieved on the planned timeline, or at all. For a discussion of other risks and uncertainties, and other important factors, any of which could cause our actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see the section entitled "Risk Factors" in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021, as supplemented and/or modified by our most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and any other filings that we have made or will make with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the future. All information in this press release is as of the date of the release, and 2seventy bio undertakes no duty to update this information unless required by law. 药明巨诺 投资者问询: IR_JW@jwtherapeutics.com 媒体问询: Communications@jwtherapeutics.com 2seventy bio 投资者问询: Elizabeth Pingpank, +1 860-463-0469 elizabeth.pingpank@2seventybio.com 媒体问询: Morgan Adams, +1 774-313-9852 morgan.adams@2seventybio.com lg...