提名及公司治理委员会和薪酬委员会成员 洛杉矶2022年12月23日 /美通社/ -- 由 FF Global Partners LLC("FFGP")控制和管理的 FF Top 宣布提名盛杰先生作为 FFGP 指定人选,以填补最近因前任指定人 Lee Liu 先生从 FFIE 董事会辞职而造成的空缺。董事会还提名盛先生为提名与公司治理委员会和薪酬委员会的成员。 "非常感谢Lee Liu对FFIE董事会和公司所作出的贡献,"FFGP总裁王佳伟先生表示。 盛杰先生,39岁,自2022年6月起担任FF Global Partners LLC的运营和财务总监。FF Global Partners LLC全资控股的子公司FF Top是公司最大的股东。盛先生在2018年10月至2022年6月期间担任中国航油(欧洲)有限公司的副总经理,该公司是新加坡交易所上市公司中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司("CAO")的全资子公司,而CAO又是中国航空油料集团公司("CNAF")的控股子公司。中国航空油料集团公司是一家财富500强企业,也是中国最大的国有航空油料供应商,是集中国航空油品采购、运输、储存、质量管理、销售、加注为一体的航油供应商。 盛先生在2008年10月至2018年10月期间担任中国航油(北美)有限公司的财务总监,该公司也是中国航空油料集团的全资子公司,负责在北美进行航空燃料采购,供应航空油料,并从事通用航空相关事业。盛先生于2008年毕业于University of Essex主修会计和金融经济学并获得硕士学位。 对于这次新的任命,王先生表示,"这是FFGP作为FFIE的大股东,首次提名核心高管担任FFIE的独立董事。这是一个重要的里程碑,对于推动FF的成功和实现股东价值最大化具有很重要的意义。 为了确保公司的长期成功和可持续的公司融资,同时参考行业最佳实践和董事的受托义务,作为FFIE创始股东和前任和现任主要 FFIE 高管组成的合伙企业,FFGP 的影响力和控制权应该相应加强。 FFGP 认为,这些公司治理的改善和提升是帮助所有股东实现公司价值最大化,并为 FFIE 争取未来成功奠定坚实基础的唯一途径。基于此背景,FFGP 和 FFIE 正在讨论进一步的治理变革,以恢复 FFGP 因公司近期融资导致的大幅稀释而丧失的相关权利。 FF Global Partners是由来自人工智能、互联网、IT、汽车等不同专业领域的数十名FF核心成员组成的"未来主义者联盟",他们拥有共同愿景和价值观。我们的治理架构很大程度上参考了阿里巴巴模式——所有合伙人共同创业、共同拥有、共享风险、共同治理,共同对FF行使顶层控制权,最终实现共同的梦想和使命。这是行之有效的行业最佳实践,在公司文化、治理结构和人才体系等方面为FF提供了独特的竞争优势和成功基石。所有合伙人都代表公司的真正利益。 NO OFFER OR SOLICITATION This communication shall neither constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which the offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. This communication is not a solicitation of proxies in connection with any matter to be voted upon by stockholders. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This press release includes "forward looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this press release, the words "estimates," "projected," "expects," "anticipates," "forecasts," "plans," "intends," "believes," "seeks," "may," "will," "should," ""future," "propose", "potential" and variations of these words or similar expressions (or the negative versions of such words or expressions) are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside the control of FF Top, that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Important factors, among others, that may affect actual results or outcomes include the Company's ability to satisfy the conditions precedent and close on the various financings referred to in this press release, the failure of any which could result in the Company seeking protection under the Bankruptcy Code; the failure of the conditions to the full implementation of FF Top's governance agreement with the Company to be satisfied and other factors. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and FF Top does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. 媒体请联系: FF TOP Holding LLC,info@ffglobalpartners.com lg...