2025-01-25 11:41:02加密市场情绪谨慎乐观,关键支点为104点
2025-01-24 11:45:04The BSE Sensex closed a volatile session lower at 76,190.5 on Friday, ending a two-day winning streak, as traders opted for some profit-booking. Weaker-than-expected Q3FY25 earnings, ongoing selling by foreign investors, widespread valuation concerns, and fears over Donald Trump’s economic policies continued to dominate market sentiment. Additionally, caution prevailed ahead of the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision next week. On the corporate front, the broader sectors struggled, while the IT and FMCG indices managed to stay in the green. Reliance Industries (-1.4%) was among the top losers despite saying it plans to build the world’s largest AI-driven data center in Jamnagar, India, with a massive three-gigawatt capacity to meet the rising demand for AI services. For the week, the BSE Sensex shed about 0.6%, marking the third consecutive weekly decline, the longest streak in three months, amid global economic uncertainty under the new US administration.
2025-01-24 08:44:02加密货币恐慌与贪婪指数维持75,市场情绪为贪婪
2025-01-24 02:13:03周五,在特朗普总统呼吁降低原油价格后,WTI 原油期货跌至每桶 74 美元,这是连续第六次下跌,并有望创下自 11 月以来最糟糕的一周。周四,特朗普在达沃斯论坛上宣布计划敦促沙特阿拉伯和欧佩克降低油价,以符合其政府的能源发展重点。这加剧了市场悲观情绪,因为交易员对特朗普拟议的关税对全球经济增长和能源需求的影响仍持谨慎态度。在供应方面,美国能源信息署的数据显示,上周美国原油库存减少 100 万桶,连续第九次下降,并低于五年季节性平均水平,这与早先行业报告预测的增加相反。与此同时,馏分油库存大幅下降,而汽油库存继续增加。
2025-01-23 16:49:03US gasoline futures dipped toward $2 per gallon, following a decline in oil prices after President Donald Trump, speaking at Davos, announced plans to ask Saudi Arabia and OPEC nations to lower oil costs. He also reiterated tariff threats aimed at bringing manufacturing back to the US. Market sentiment remained cautious amid these tariff warnings on China, Canada, and Mexico, along with potential new sanctions on Russia. At the same time, a significant flow of Canadian oil headed to the U.S. in anticipation of possible tariffs. The latest data from the API showed US crude inventories rose by 1 million barrels last week, accompanied by a surge in fuel stockpiles. Earlier in the week, energy markets were supported by fresh US sanctions on Russia's oil sector, which raised concerns about global supply disruptions.
2025-01-23 16:34:03Brent crude oil slipped toward $78 per barrel on Thursday as President Donald Trump delivered a virtual address at the Davos forum. In his speech, Trump announced plans to ask Saudi Arabia and OPEC to lower oil prices, emphasizing his administration's energy priorities. He highlighted early executive actions, including declaring a national energy emergency to "unlock the liquid gold" of US oil and gas, exiting the Paris climate agreement, and ending what he called the “green new scam.” Energy development has been a cornerstone of Trump’s agenda, aimed at reducing consumer costs. Meanwhile, the latest EIA data showed US crude inventories fell by over 1 million barrels last week, alongside a surge in fuel stockpiles, both loosely in line with market expectations. Sentiment remains cautious amid potential tariff threats on China, Canada, and Mexico, as well as further sanctions on Russia. Additionally, a significant flow of Canadian oil is heading to the US ahead of tariff threats.
2025-01-23 16:24:03WTI crude oil slipped toward $75 per barrel on Thursday as President Donald Trump delivered a virtual address at the Davos forum. In his speech, Trump announced plans to ask Saudi Arabia and OPEC to lower oil prices, emphasizing his administration's energy priorities. He highlighted early executive actions, including declaring a national energy emergency to "unlock the liquid gold" of US oil and gas, exiting the Paris climate agreement, and ending what he called the “green new scam.” Energy development has been a cornerstone of Trump’s agenda, aimed at reducing consumer costs. Meanwhile, the latest EIA data showed US crude inventories fell by over 1 million barrels last week, alongside a surge in fuel stockpiles, both loosely in line with market expectations. Sentiment remains cautious amid potential tariff threats on China, Canada, and Mexico, as well as further sanctions on Russia. Additionally, a significant flow of Canadian oil is heading to the US, anticipating potential tariffs.
2025-01-23 13:53:05周四,巴西 Ibovespa 指数上涨 0.3%,突破 123,000 点,创下五周新高,这得益于对中国需求增强的乐观情绪以及对巴西财政纪律的信心重燃。巴西石油公司和淡水河谷等大宗商品股分别上涨约 1% 和 0.5%,这得益于中国宣布向市场注入大量国家资金以稳定市场,这可能会增加对石油和铁矿石等巴西出口产品的需求。在国内,卢拉政府强调控制通胀和财政责任,参谋长 Rui Costa 也重申了这一点,这在食品价格干预措施持续讨论的背景下支撑了市场情绪。巴西银行领涨,上涨超过 2%,而 Suzano 和 Rede D’Or 分别上涨超过 1.5%。
2025-01-23 13:16:02在前一年大涨约28%后,2025年开局的金市继续上涨。1月23日,人民币计价的黄金现货价格收报每克644.02元,续创历史新高。业界分析预计,随着海外市场的避险情绪继续升温,叠加主要经济体央行的货币宽松环境,2025年金市连创新高应无悬念,但市场涨幅或也低于2024年。(新华财经)
2025-01-23 11:41:03The BSE Sensex closed about 0.2% up at 76,520 on Thursday, advancing for the second day, mainly due to intense buying in IT, consumer durables and commodity stocks. Market sentiment remained buoyed by optimism surrounding increased spending on artificial intelligence (AI) in the US, which helped counterbalance concerns over weaker domestic earnings, foreign capital outflows, and potential trade tariffs. On the corporate front, UltraTech Cement (+6.8%) outperformed after the top cement producer exceeded Q3 profit and revenue expectations. Other top gainers included Mahindra & Mahindra (+2%), Zomato (+2.5%), Sun Pharma (+2%), Tech Mahindra (+1.9%), Tata Motors (+1.3%), Titan (+1.2%) and Tata Steel (+1.2%).
2025-01-23 01:01:03周四,日经 225 指数上涨 0.2% 至 39,730 点左右,东证指数上涨 0.05% 至 2,738 点,为日本股市连续第四个交易日上涨。不过,随着日本央行开始为期两天的政策会议,市场谨慎情绪占据上风。在日本央行高级官员发表鹰派言论后,预计央行将于周五加息并上调通胀预测。与此同时,数据显示,日本 12 月出口超出预期,进口也呈现正增长。主要股票显著上涨,包括藤仓 (+2%)、爱德万测试 (+1.3%)、三菱重工 (+5.2%)、IHI 公司 (+2.8%) 和任天堂 (+3.4%)。软银集团也上涨逾 3%,延续了近期涨势,此前特朗普宣布了一项涉及该公司的 5000 亿美元人工智能投资计划。
2025-01-22 18:48:16今日外汇:美国数据和特朗普主导外汇市场情绪
2025-01-22 11:24:02摩根大通COO警示通胀和地缘政治风险可能影响市场情绪
2025-01-21 05:53:03周二,铜期货跌至每磅 4.26 美元左右,创一周新低,此前美国总统唐纳德·特朗普威胁要对包括中国在内的其他主要经济体征收关税,作为更广泛谈判策略的一部分,此举加大了全球贸易战的风险。这将损害对铜等金属的需求,因为铜的需求取决于中国经济的反弹。在中国农历新年假期以及未来几天日本央行和美联储将公布关键利率决定之前,谨慎情绪也主导了市场情绪。与此同时,人们仍希望中国能兑现其额外刺激措施的承诺,官方媒体报道称,中国人民银行可能会在本月晚些时候降低银行的存款准备金率。在供应方面,智利修改了其铜产量预测,目前预计到 2034 年铜产量将达到 554 万吨,低于之前估计的 634 万吨。
2025-01-20 13:36:04The Ibovespa fell 0.4% to below the 122,00 level on Monday, as markets turned their focus to the inauguration of Donald Trump as US President, with anticipated policy announcements that could disrupt global trade and commodities markets, including potential tariffs and expanded oil exploration. Domestically, attention shifted to the central bank’s first actions under Gabriel Galípolo’s leadership, highlighted by two line auctions offering $2 billion to support the pressured real. Sentiment was further dampened by rising inflation expectations in the Focus Report and concerns over political stability, including speculation about a Cabinet reshuffle. Most equities traded in the red, with heavyweights such as Ambev, Suzano, B3, and Localiza posting losses of around 1%.
2025-01-20 09:07:03裕信银行分析师在一份报告中表示,信贷市场可能会关注美国总统特朗普即将在就职典礼后签署的行政命令的影响。他们表示:“行政命令的范围可能会使利率压力重新浮现,打击信贷市场情绪。”分析师表示,信贷资产受益于近期强劲的银行业绩,而本周末以色列与哈马斯的停火也对信贷市场有利。
2025-01-20 07:10:05周一,欧洲股市开盘持平,因唐纳德·特朗普就职典礼前市场谨慎情绪高涨。交易员们关注特朗普提高关税、收紧移民政策、降低税收和放松管制的承诺,这些承诺可能对欧盟等主要经济体产生重大影响。投资者也在关注本周在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛,政界和商界领袖将齐聚一堂,讨论全球关键问题。与此同时,欧洲今天没有安排重大经济或收益发布。盘前交易中,欧元斯托克 50 指数和斯托克 600 指数期货几乎没有变化。
2025-01-20 06:41:02华侨银行策略师Frances Cheung和Christopher Wong表示,美元本周初始在特朗普就职典礼之前略显疲软。特朗普承诺将在就职首日签署一系列行政命令,并在集会上表示将以历史性的速度和力度采取行动。人们预计,关税政策可能很快就会宣布,但策略师们补充说,时间、幅度和范围仍不确定。如果关税推迟更长时间宣布,可能会为风险替代品提供喘息机会,不排除美元回落的可能,而迅速下达实施关税可能会打击市场情绪并提振美元。
2025-01-20 03:14:03韩元兑美元升至 1,451 韩元,投资者密切关注候任总统唐纳德·特朗普重返白宫,他的就职典礼迫在眉睫。投资者急切地想了解他的近期政策议程,尤其是提高关税、收紧移民政策、降低税收和加大放松管制力度的计划,这些措施预计将带来通胀压力。与此同时,在韩国,上周被弹劾的总统尹锡烈被捕为韩元提供了支撑,因为政治稳定的可能性提振了市场情绪。在货币政策消息方面,韩国央行意外地将基准利率维持在 2025 年 1 月的 3% 不变,无视降息 25 个基点的预期。此举反映了在美元走强和国内政治不确定性的背景下稳定疲软货币的努力。投资者现在将注意力转向韩国即将发布的经济数据,包括生产者通胀数据和第四季度 GDP 预估值。
2025-01-19 22:56:03The NZX 50 fell 74 points, or 0.6%, to 13,056 around noon on Monday, halting gains from the previous four sessions, mainly weighed down by healthcare, real estate, and industrials. Traders were nervous ahead of domestic CPI data on Tuesday, despite the market expecting the inflation rate to ease to a nearly four-year low of a 2.1% rise in Q4 of 2024. Caution also built amid uncertainties surrounding Trump's policies before his inauguration later today, while anticipating the release of the monthly fixing of key lending rates in China. Friday's data from China also pressured sentiment, after Beijing posted that its economy grew at a 5% annual pace in 2024, hitting the government's target but slowing from the year before. Capping the falls, however, was Wall Street, which closed sharply higher on Friday, lifted by a tech sector rebound and significant gains across major indices. Among the biggest laggards were South Port NZ (-2.7%), Fisher & Paykel (-1.8%), and A2 Milk (-1.5%).